Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I'm Dangerous :)

Hey there, how is your life dear reader?. I’m here not really right. As usual. I have something to write when I was down J. I have a diseases which is really troublesome for me. I can’t think rationally, I can’t work as powerful as before, I can’t focus, I can’t manage myself to do such thing. And end up in bed while my body so against it.
Udah cukup basa basinya tentang aku, hehe..
Aku mulai paham siapa aku, mungkin untuk saat ini. I am a bad guy, yha gitu, aku jelek banget suerr, physically I’m cool siih, :P tapi secara psikis i was not, jangan pernah terjebak sama sikap aku yang kalem or such, I’m not that way, ya lewat blog ini aku curhat semua rahasia akuu, Aku buruk kawan, sangat amat buruk, tapi aku memendamnya, aku bilang kalo aku buruk, tapi aku gak mungkin bilang buruknya apa, tapi secara psikologis, I’m dangerous.

I'm Dangerous :)

Hey there, how is your life dear reader?. I’m here not really right. As usual. I have something to write when I was down J. I have a diseases which is really troublesome for me. I can’t think rationally, I can’t work as powerful as before, I can’t focus, I can’t manage myself to do such thing. And end up in bed while my body so against it.
Udah cukup basa basinya tentang aku, hehe..
Aku mulai paham siapa aku, mungkin untuk saat ini. I am a bad guy, yha gitu, aku jelek banget suerr, physically I’m cool siih, :P tapi secara psikis i was not, jangan pernah terjebak sama sikap aku yang kalem or such, I’m not that way, ya lewat blog ini aku curhat semua rahasia akuu, Aku buruk kawan, sangat amat buruk, tapi aku memendamnya, aku bilang kalo aku buruk, tapi aku gak mungkin bilang buruknya apa, tapi secara psikologis, I’m dangerous.